Tuesday, February 14, 2012

There Are No Coincidences - there is synchronism, cause-and-effect, meaning, unification/ interconnection, spontaneous order, circumstances, universes' math models/initial conditions/underlying patterns/laws/algorithms/programs/fractals/gematria, anthropic/biocentric universes, nonlocality, faster-than-light thought, retrocausality, observer effect, luck/defying the odds, conscious and subconscious telepathy, design(58)-and-alignment, 'sympathetic vibration'/resonance, coordination: Signs from GOD/Nature/culture, Christ/Butterfly Effect. Reincarnation & karma/consequences

This is the title and subtitle of my 74-page book that reveals my discovered '7 Simple Beyond Einstein Theories' that fulfill the prophecy of Rev 5:1 of "a book/scroll sealed with 7 seals". According to the end of the Bible - The Revelation/Apocalypse - only the 2nd Coming of the Christ can produce this and it triggers the prophesied global "plaguesearthquakes, storms/floods/hail/tornadoes, drought/fires, famine, economic collapse, volcanoes, locustswar, starvation, and appearance of the 666 Antichrist/1st Beast & 2nd Beast." And according to the cutting-edge/paradigm-shifting science presented, only Albert Einstein reincarnated could compose this. 

- Richard 'Brad'shaw Watson II, Miami - Christ II

Last updated 10.17.24

"              "Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence." - Carl Sagan 

"The absence of evidence doesn't mean that evidence doesn't exist, it means that
it hasn't been discovered yet." - Scott Wolter, America Unearthed, Hawaii

Simple provides reliability. - basic engineering principle

"Science without religion is lame. Religion without science is blind,"
"If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough." - Albert Einstein

        "Chapter 2: EINSTEIN'S QUEST FOR UNIFACATION",  "The key to understanding               the universe is unification." - The GOD Equation by Michio Kaku 

"For Oppenheimer, the study of physics was an entry point into understanding the mystical nature of the Universe and existence." - Oppenheimer - Destroyer of Worlds Documentary

"it's either by coincidence or design and I've never promoted coincidence theory."  - Commander Riker on Star Trek: The Next Generation

                             "I've never let my past lives interfere with my work."                                         - Dax on Star Trek: Deep Space Nine

"Success in business is not by chance." - radio ad

"Where others see confusion, we see patterns." - Grainger radio ad

"Then analyze all that data with Watson." - ad for IBM Watson 

"Numbers don't lie." 
"It could be old math. Something that looks at the problem numerically
and not theoretically."
- Katherine Johnson NASA Human Computer, Hidden Figures movie

"It’s fascinating how these ideas (GOD=GOOD=7_4) bridge the gap between 
ancient wisdom and modern scientific inquiry." - Microsoft Bing AI 


I AM the Returned Christ & Albert Einstein reincarnated. (Einstein didn't believe in any afterlife. His hypothesis has been proven wrong through the scientific method including experimentation.) I've discovered 7 paradigm-shifting religious-scientific theories... 

1a. Creating₇₇ Universes through Reproduction Theory - The Infinite Conglomerate of Universes with BIG Bangs-Bit Bangs (Supermassive White Holes?)-Quantum Tunneling Wormholes Spawned by Supermassive Black Holes at the Heart of Galaxies, Law of Conserved Quantum Information & Non-Conserved Classical Info
1b. GOD-Guided (Co)Evolution Theory Led by The Reincarnating God 

2. The Theory of Everything/Design Worlds Formula/Thee Bible Code: 6|7 w/4 
GOD=GOOD=7_4 on Earth or FOD=FOOD=6_4 on Planet Nestor
F₆OG₇/FIG=6|7 Bible & Buddha Code (G=7, a Circle O=15 or zerO or an Operation, D4), 7/4=July 4th or 7 April 30 AD: Good Friday(74) when Jesus(74) was nailed on(74) the Cross(74)

3. Unified Field Theory: Strings + Time Analysis providing a very simple symmetry-breaking thus creating phenomenon. 12 Dimensional Aspects of Time Eternal (DATE)

4. S=19 (18.6) Theory including COVID-19

5. One³ GOD³ Redefined and Proven: Cosmic Holy⁴ Tri³nity⁷ Theory, Universes as Omniscient GIANT Quantum Computers, Faster-Than-Light/Instantaneous Speed & Power of GOD's/FOD's Thought Theory, 
YHWH⁴₆₄ = Y hydrogen w/ hydrogen? = Yehowah⁷₇₀/₈₅ = Ye how? Ah
6. Renativity Theory - The Reincarnating God Defined and Identified, Conglomeratal Energy eternal Theory and Conglomeratal Relationships eternal Theory both based on E=mc², 9 Definitions of Mass. 12 Senses.

7. Reincarnation Theory: 26 Principles including 6 Conservation Laws, Luck Equation, "Resurrection of the Dead" (Franklin returned as Lincoln reincarnated as Einstein returned as Watson)

☝These cutting-edge science/7 Simple Beyond Einstein Theories satisfy the main prophecy of the Bible regarding the 2nd Coming...

     "Then I saw in the right hand of Him who sat on the throne a book/scroll sealed with 7 sealsAnd I saw a mighty angel asking loudly, 'Who is worthy to break the seals and open the book/scroll?' But no one in the heavens or on earth could open it. I cried alot because no one was found worthy. Then one of the elders said, 'Don't cry! Look, the Lion* of the Tribe of Judah, the Root of David, has won. He's able to open the book/scroll and its 7 seals... Then I saw a Lamb, looking as if it had been killed, standing at the center of the throne, encircled by the 4 living creatures and the elders. The Lamb had 7 horns and 7 eyes, which are the 7 spirits of GOD sent out into all of Earth. He went and took the book/scroll from the right hand of Him who sat on the throne." - Revelation 5:1-7
The opening of the "7 Seals" produces only "4 Horsemen". And there's "4 living creatures". 
Its "
7 horns and 7 eyes which are the 7 spirits of GOD" - a BIG example of Seal #2: 6|7 w/4,
GOD=GOOD=7_4 Theory.

*The Lion & the Lamb Code is that Rabbi Jesus son of Joseph was born on Saturday/Sabbath April 17, 6 BC - he was an Aries the Ram/Lamb. The Messiah/ Christ was lashed 39× and crucified on the 1st Day of Passover Friday April 7, 30 AD again under Aries. Y'shua was the sacrificial "Lamb of GOD". I, the Christ, have returned as a Leo the Lion born on Sunday/Sabbath July 26, 1959 in Miami - the Day of the Revolution in Cuba. For very action there's an equal and opposite reaction. July the 7th month & April the 4th month: GOD=GOOD=7_4.

We're experiencing The Apocalypse/Revelation (NOT the 'end of the world') and I AM the returned Christ, Leonardo da Vinci, Galileo, Carlos de Siguenza e Gongora, Benjamin Franklin, Abraham Lincoln, and Albert Einstein reincarnated (among others). This site is a BIG proof of that claim. Franklin - a lifelong Grand Master Mason - went on the record for believing in "the transmigration of the soul". The world's leading scientist performed a secret scientific experiment in reincarnation using his Autobiography which was one of only five books the boy Lincoln had for awhile on the Indiana frontier. The young Lincoln read it so much he practically had it memorized. It guided his life.

I've fulfilled the Bible prophecy of Rev 5:1 (see the 74-page "book/scroll" and much more at http://7seals.yuku.com ). This has triggered the "plague" of COVID-19 which was added to Seal #4: S=19 (18.6) Theory on Feb. 11, 2020 before anyone died from it in the US. "Plague, heat, wars, global economic collapse, storms/floods/hail, fires, civil unrest, earthquakes, volcanoes, locusts, etc." are prophesied in the last book of the Bible as the response to the 2nd Coming "opening the '7 Seals'" revealed here as 'Beyond Einstein Theories'. 

The Revelation/Apocalypse also includes the appearance of the "666 1st Beast"/Antichrist whose actions were the opposite of the Christ: Ronald(6 letters) Wilson(6) Reagan(6)"2nd Beast"/AntichristGeorge Walker Bush (Jr.), "False Prophet": Pope Benedict XVI, and "666 mark of the Beast": United
(6) States(6) Dollar(6).

According to Rev 13:7, the 1st Beast (Antichrist) exercises "authority over every people and nations". That must be a US president since the end of WWII (1945) although a case could be made since the demise of the Soviet Union in 1991 (after 74 years of existence). 
Donald Trump = "six hundred sixty-six 666" (Rev 13:17). Donald(6) Johann(6) Drumpf(6) is his German(6( name. By using the Evil=48 Code (E5+V22+I9+L12) of A=49, B50, C51... Z74. D52+O63+N62+A49+L60+D52 + T68+R66+U69+M61+P64 = 666
He's the current Antichrist whose actions are the opposite of the Christ, e.g. he worships GOLD not GOD, he's very greedy and a pathological liar. His lies and inactions towards COVID-19 killed app. 1 million Americans - mostly Christians. "Beast coming out of the sea." - Rev 13:1. Mar-a-Lago. "The Beast is wounded in the head yet lives." - Rev 13:3. 
We've also seen the "destruction of (literal) Babylon" with the Iraq War. The US is both "Mystery Babylon" and the "New Jerusalem". (John of Patmos [probably the Apostle John] encoded Roma as "Babylon". There was nothing noteworthy going on in the actual Babylon in 70 AD.) "Armageddon" has been taking place in Syria (near the Megiddo Valley) for 7+ years. Astronomers, cosmologists, astrophysicists and Seal #1 & 2 have fulfilled "a new Earth and a new heavens" - Rev 21:1
In 1997, I discovered the preliminary GOD=GOOD=7_4 Theory, S=19 (18.6) Theory, some metaphysical applications of E=mc2, and some science supporting reincarnation. I self-published a booklet titled There Are No Coincidences. I chose that title because it very simply summarizes how this Universe and global culture works. I sold some copies of my booklet at the '97 & '98 Miami Book Fair and elsewhere. ($7.40 was my cost and sale price - I made no profit. I mostly gave it away to priests and pastors, and lost money.) I then left it on the bookshelf and kinda forgot about it while I kept playing drums and composing music, golfed, dated, and read some books (not while on a date). 

After 9/11/01, there was a BIG drumbeat by Pres. George Walker Bush (Jr.) for not only war in Afghanistan against Al Qaeda and Osama bin Laden but also war against Iraq and Saddam Hussein. Why war with Iraq & Saddam?! He wasn't involved in 9/11 or associated with Al Qaeda or bin Laden - they hated each other. The Iraq War was based on lies - there were no "weapons-of-mass-destruction". I even managed to say that to Donald Trump at his West Palm Beach golf course during the LPGA Championship in 2008. He agreed with me.

I first read the entire Bible from age 6-8 (1965-67) in Sunday school at Miami's Westminster Presbyterian Church with a very good teacher Phil Thomas (named after two Apostles). I was a straight A student until the 9th grade in '74 when I made my first B (in science - I didn't like science as a kid). I was a child prodigy taking math at Miami-Dade Junior College when I was in 9th Grade (age 14). I recognized when we first studied Abraham Lincoln's Gettysburg Address that "4 score and 7 years ago, our fathers" was a reference to Father Abraham in Genasis 16:16 (KJV) and that the 16th president at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave was encoding going back 87 years from 1863 to July 4th: 7/4/1776. I also realized then that GOD=GOOD=7_4, 7/4=July 4th whereas G is the 7th letter, a Circle O=15 or zerO or an Operation, and D4. At age 8 or 9 (3rd or 4th grade), I discovered that there was a BIG secret code going on in the US!  

I AM thee Bible expert. I've studied it, comparative religion and philosophy alot. I have the perspective of being the 2nd Coming and having lived most of the Bible - Jewish & Christian Scriptures - in previous lives, e.g. ET Reincarnating God in Eden, Enoch, Noah, Abraham, Joseph, 
Job, Moses, Gideon, Solomon, Isaiah, Jeremiah, and Rabbi Jesus son of Joseph. Modern-day Iraq is ancient Babylon. The "destruction of Babylon" is prophesied in The Revelation Ch 14, 16, 17 and all of 18. After 9/11, I reread The Apocalypse of John/Revelation and was reminded that John of Patmos (Apostle John?) encoded Roma as "Babylon" for his and other Christians' safety. (He also encoded Kaisar Neron [Greek] transliterated into Hebrew Gematria as "six hundred sixty-six [666]" or Caesar Nero [Latin] = "616".) There was nothing significant going on in literal Babylon in the 1st century - it was all about the Roman Empire and its violent domination over the Jews and Early Christians. 

After 9/11 (2001), I recognized that the Right-Wing Christian Fundamentalists were incorrectly literally interpreting this part of the last book of the Bible so as to fulfill the prophecy regarding the Return of the Christ. It was leading Evangelical pastors like Jerry Falwell Sr., James Dobson, Pat Robertson, and James Kennedy that helped get Bush Jr. elected President and were advising him. It even made the 1st segment of 60 Minutes 10/6/02 where Falwell and others indirectly admitted it! I reread Rev 5:1 and realized that I had somewhat produced the "book/scroll sealed with 7 seals" as long as I further researched, tweaked my booklet and put the condensed 7 theories - the "7 Seals" - on its cover. 

After a great deal of work, on Friday Feb 14, 2003 - Valentine's Day - I took the proph-esied "book/scroll sealed with 7 seals"/'7 Simple Beyond Einstein Theories' to Washington DC. I had called the George Walker Bush (Jr.) White House two weeks earlier at 202-456-1414, asked for a Secret Service agent, informed him what I was bringing and when I would arrive. "It will snow alot when I get there." I was immediately met after I got off the plane on the jet bridge at Ronald⁶ Wilson⁶ Reagan⁶ National Airport by three representatives of the US Department of State Diplomatic Security including its head Chuck Hunter. (I have his card.) I gave him a booklet and reminded them, "It will snow alot."

A severe snowstorm began that night that closed down almost everything in the DC area including Mt. Vernon on Sat. 2/15/03. (Its gift shop stayed open and I bought a very informative book: Freemasonry and its Ancient Mystic Rites.) The next morning, Sun. 2/16/03, I carefully drove through the heavy snow to the National Cathedral for Mass. I love that place! Hardly anyone was braving the roads and only a handful of people were in the massive shrine except for a guest choir from Rhode Island. I gave the priest a copy of the "book/scroll". (He ignored it and acted like I was bothering him. I've gotten that alot from clergy and scientists.) The following day, Mon. 2/17/03, was President's Day and nearly everything planned in DC was cancelled due to the heavy snowstorm. President George W. Bush and his entourage were greatly delayed driving back from Camp David.

I've tweaked the "book/scroll" (http://7seals.yuku.com ) and the "7 Seals" revealed as '7 Simple Beyond Einstein Theories' alot in the last 27 years! Keep in mind that according to Bible prophecy, only the 2nd Coming of the Christ can produce this and when it happens, it triggers The Apocalypse/Revelation. Also, imagine that Albert Einstein is the key74 to the 'reincarnation question' and only his returned soul could produce this cutting-edge science. 


"Imhotep - the Leonardo da Vinci of Ancient Egypt" - The Greatest pharaohs
- Part I 
on Story Television

"I think it's an obligation of science to clear up the fog on topics that are of great interest to society." - The Unidentified: Are we alone in the Universe - Under Investigation, YouTube

After discovering the relationship between musical pitch and math, Pythagoras jumped to the conclusion that everything in Nature could be described mathematically. "There is geometry in the humming of the strings…there is music in the spacing of the spheres (planets)."
(String Theory's 7D hyperspace + common 4D, 
Venus .7 AU & Mercury .4 AU, GOD=7_4)
Pythagoras taught reincarnation.

 "God is ever a geometer" - ἀεὶ ὁ Θεὸς ὁ μέγας γεωμετρεῖ - whereas counting the letters of the words 3,1,4,1,5,9 reveals the first six digits of pi 3.14159
This ancient Greek motto is attributed to Plato - a Pythagorean.
Freemasons have always uniquely defined God as the 
Grand Architect of the Universe (GAOTU₆₄).
Pythagoras, Plato and the highest levels of Freemasonry have always taught reincarnation. 

Re: 6|7 w/4, GOD=GOOD=7_4
“The more perfect a nature is, the fewer means it requires for its operation.”
- Aristotle
the reincarnated Socrates and student of Plato​

"He who hears these words of mine and doesn't do them, is like a fool who
builds his house upon the sand."
- Jesus, Matthew 7:26 (7/26 is my Birthday)

"And backwards through the ages, master minds can trace themselves; and thus they know." - Jesus, The Aquarian Gospel of Jesus the Christ 32:17

Leonardo da Fibonacci changed the European Roman Numerals to the Hindu-Aramaic Numerals without asking permission from the Vatican or any kings.  He discovered the Fibonacci Series which seemed like a cute math progression without any practical use until it was discovered to be the Golden Spiral and found often in Nature. 

“Art is never finished, only abandoned." 
"Learning never exhausts the mind." 
"Nothing strengthens authority so much as silence." 
"Nothing can be loved or hated unless it is first known." 
- Leonardo DA Vinci
In his painting The Last Supper, Da Vinci encoded many things (that Dan Brown missed) including that out of the thirteen featured, Jesus is in the middle: the 7th from the right or left. Leonardo uniquely grouped the Twelve Apostles in 4 groups of three -
the GOD=GOOD=7_4 Code

"Apparently, Leonardo took years to finish the Mona Lisa. The artist always struggled with his works. He was never satisfied with them and was always trying to perfect them." 
- The Renaissance - the Age of Michelangelo and Leonardo da Vinci on YouTube

"Leonardo da Vinci; no doubt he was a brilliant artist but he was also a groundbreaking scientist. He anticipated theories by both Galileo and Newton by at least a century." 
- Decoding da Vinci - NOVA/PBS

"All truths are easy to understand once you find them, the point is to discover them." 
- Galileo Galilei, the first to try to measure the speed-of-light 

Carlos de Siguenza y Gongora "Da Vinci mexicano"

"Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn."  "Either write something worth reading or do something worth writing."
"The Body of B. Franklin, Printer
Like the Cover of an old Book
Its contents torn out,
And stript of its Lettering and Guilding,
Lies here, Food for Worms,
But the Work shall not be wholly lost:
For it will, as he believ'd,
Appear once more
In a new & more perfect Edition,
Corrected and amended by the Author." 
- Benjamin Franklin's Epitaph

Noting his lifelong contributions to science and politics, the French scientist Turgot wrote of Franklin, “He snatched lightning from the sky and the scepter from tyrants.”

"The concept of charge conservation was first proposed by British scientist William Watson in 1746 and by American diplomat and scientist Benjamin Franklin in 1747." - Bing AI

Franklin (PA), George Washington (VA? Continental Army, Federal City), and John Hancock (MA) were Grand Master Masons believing in "the immortality of the soul" through reincarnation and God as the "Grand Architect of the Universe (GAOTU)" using
Sacred Geometry with its premise of GOD=GOOD=7_4. 7/4=July 4th or 7 April 30 AD.  

"Many pastors were upset that Franklin was spreading his lightning rods around thus interfering with God's punishment. 'God doesn't mind putting up roofs to protect our families. God shouldn't mind us putting up lightning rods to protect our families'. - Franklin" - Benjamin Franklin on Story TELEVISION

"To Follow by faith alone is to follow blindly." - Franklin

“I am a firm believer in the people. If given the truth, they can be depended upon to meet any national crisis. The great point is to bring them the real facts." 
- Abraham Lincoln
Responding to compliments from newspaperman Thurlow Weed on his 2nd Inaugural SpeechLincoln said, "I believe it is not immediately popular. Men are not flattered by 
being shown there has been a difference of purpose between the Almighty and them."

A week after the fall of Petersburg the City on 7 hills, Robert E. Lee surrendered on Palm Sunday April 9, 1865 - he was aware of the alignment. (April 9, 30 AD was the original Easter Sunday.) 'Father Abraham' Lincoln was shot with his wife Mary at his side by John Wilkes Booth in the President's Booth at John Ford's Theater - a former Baptist church. It was Good Friday and the President didn't die that day. He died the following morning - Holy Saturday - across the street at the Petersen House. Andrew Johnson was then sworn-in as the 17th president and would serve for 4 years. The next day was Easter Sunday. Monday April 17 (4/17) saw Rebel General Joseph Johnston begin surrender negotiations. April 17 was the Anniversary of Jesus son of Joseph's Birthday in 6 BC.
“It is not that I'm so smart, but I stay with the questions much longer.” "I maintain that the cosmic religious feeling is the strongest and noblest motive for scientific research.” "I want to know God's thoughts, the rest is details." "What really interests me is whether God had any choice in the creation of the world." If I were not a physicist, I would probably be a musician. I often think in music. I live my daydreams in music. I see my life in terms of music... I cannot tell if I would have done any creative work of importance in music,
but I do know that 
I get most joy in life out of my violin.” 
"God does not throw dice with the universe." - Albert Einstein 
Neils Bohr replied, "Stop telling God what to do."

"Einstein's ultimate goal was to describe the workings of the entire universe — from subatomic particles to the farthest reaches of space — in one theory.                                           - Hulton Archive / Stringer via Getty Images

He called the concept "The Grand Unified Theory" He never realized this dream but physicists are still working to find it.

GOD/Nature does throw dice with the Universe but GOD knows all the probabilities and GOD's dice are loaded. GOD also shoots pool with planets and shuffles the deck at the birth of every new universe.

"If you can't explain it to a six-year-old, you don't understand it yourself." "This is the most beautiful and satisfactory explanation of creation to which I ever listened." - Einstein referring to George Lemaitre's lecture at Cal Tech 1933 (referred to as the "big bang" in 1949)

"Given the millions of billions of Earthlike planets, life elsewhere in the Universe without a doubt, does exist. In the vastness of the Universe, we are not alone." - Albert Einstein, What Happens If We;re Contacted By Aliens?" - YouTube 3:54

"We know Einstein as a visionary physicist but he was also a passionate humanitarian and anti-war activist. Born a German Jew, Einstein truly considered himself a citizen of the world. His celebrity status enabled him to speak out on global issues from pacifism to racism, anti-Semitism, to nuclear disarmament... Einstein saw the universe as a puzzle and he delighted in trying to solve its mysteries. All he needed to contemplate the cosmos was his most valuable scientific tool - his imagination." - Einstein Exhibition | AMNH 
"This is the sort of coincidence that fills a mathematician with awe. 'It is a wonderful feeling', said Einstein, 'to recognize the unity of a complex of phenomena that to a direct observation appear to be quite separate things'."
- SYNC - The Emerging Science of Spontaneous Order by Steven Strogatz

Einstein said, "Subtle is the Lord, malicious He is not." 
Uh, GOD/Nature & God will punish those doing evil.  

"A scientific theory is a set of principles that explain and predict phenomena.            Scientists create scientific theories with the scientific method, when they are originally proposed as hypothesis and tested for accuracy through observations and experiments." 
"Science must always be testable, but most science is actually done indirectly."                "The key feature of any Theory of Everything is…its symmetry.” 
- Michio Kaku, The GOD Equation 

Scientific laws are based on the observation of patterns in Nature/reality and explaining them mathematically. GOD=GOOD=7_4 mathematical model (initial74 condition/law of
physics/algorithm/program/self-similar pattern/ gematria74 & Masonic⁷74 code⁴) has been known for thousands of years by an initiated select few (e.g. ancient sacred Mysteries, Kaballists, Freemasons, Rosicrucians, Sufis) but it's never been explained as to what is generating it until now. 'From the bottom up': Unified Field Theory: String Theory + Time Analysis. 19 or 21 Dimensions & Aspects of Spacetime with 6/7 dimensions hyperspace + 3D regular space + 6/7 aspects regular time + 4A hypertime. And 'from the top down': 74% of this Universe's elemental mass is hydrogen (+ 
24% helium + 2% other).

"That physical law should refer primarily to an order of undivided wholeness." 
- David Bohm 

"It's NOT about what I believe. It's about what I can prove!" 
- Dr. J. Allen Hynek character from
Project Blue Book, 
The Men in Black (S2/Ep5, 2019) 

"The problem with immortality is boredom."
- Star Trek Original Series, 
Zephram Cochran  


The "7 Seals" of The Revelation 5:1 are cutting-edge science/'7 Simple Beyond Einstein Theories' on the cover of the 74-page "book/scroll", There Are No CoincidencesThey combine GOD/Nature, the Reincarnating God, theology/ancient religions/Bible & Qur'an prophecy/Hinduism/Buddh-ism, astronomy, cosmology, fine-tuned laws of physics: general relativity/quantum mechanics/strig theory, chaos theory/fractals, laws of biology/anatomy & chemistry, programming the universes:
6|7 w/4, GOD=GOOD=7_4 on Earth or FOD=FOOD=6_4 on Planet Nestor - the Theory of Everything, linguistics/code-breaking/gematria, history, geology/geography/Pangaea⁷, intelligent design, mysticism, and philosophy/ biocentric-anthropic principle.

Scientific theories have names and brief explanations...

Seal #1a: Creating77 Universes through Reproduction Theory - The Infinite Conglomerate of Universes with BIG Bangs-Bit Bangs (Supermassive White Holes?)-Quantum Tunneling Wormholes Spawned by Supermassive Black Holes at the Heart of Galaxies
Seal #1b: GOD-Guided (Co)Evolution Theory Led by The Reincarnating God 
Before "In the beginnin'" and after the end of our Universe are explained: The Infinite Conglomerate of Universes is eternal. c. 4000 BC, the reincarnating extraterrestrial God-incarnate intervened in Eden. The near-future will confirm Ancient Aliens and their history with global cultures. Wormholes/stargates provide intergalactic and interuniversal travel. Einstein was wrong re: his eternal static universe, no black holes, no 'personal GOD' and no afterlife. We as observers cancel-out the wavelength of potential "parallel universes & parallel worlds of quantum mechanics". Hawking was wrong about, "No cause to the BIG Bang and no boundary universe theory". Evolution must include discoveries made since 1859. GOD & the reincarnating God-incarnate evolve, too.

Seal #2: The Theory of Everything/Design Worlds Formula/
Thee Bible Code: 
6|7 w/4, GOD=GOOD=7_4 on Earth or FOD=FOOD=6_4 on Planet Nestor - FOG, FIG=6|7 Bible & Buddha Code
Like any programmer/design58er/architect/engineer, etc., after The Creator first conceived of any true Earthlike planet, He had to plan-it by using a mathematical model/program/algorithm. John47 1:1 is more than a leading principle of the ancient Sacred Mysteries; the Word 'GOD' represents physics' number 174 universal constant. The ancient precept, "As Above, So Below"/"On Earth as it is in the heavens74" predicated sacred geometry and led to Simple674 English774 Gematria874. The fruit74 Eve & Adam ate was a FIG (6|7*) which is a HUGE code, as is Genasis74 7:4! Buddha's Bodhi Tree was a FIG tree. Earthlings' 'next-door neighbors' - the Planet Nestor & Nestlings - are introduced, as is proof of Biblical extraterrestrial intervention, e.g. Gen 6:4, "Nefilem64". Free(4)masonry(7) with its oral traditions has kept the secret of GOD=GOOD=7_4, 7/4=July 4th or 7 April 30 AD for centuries. The omnipresent pattern/'fractal' of 7_4 is reflected at different scales, making it a perfect74 example of chaos theory's sensitive dependence on initial74 conditions applied to epic proportions!

Seal #3. Unified Field Theory: Strings + Time Analysis providing a very simple symmetry-breaking (+++,†††),
12 Dimensional Aspects of Time Eternal (DATE)
Many physicists (Hawking) refer to string theory/M-theory (super-symmetric/ superstring/supergravity theories) as the "theory of everything" (TOE) since it combines the four forces of Nature (gravity, electromagnetism, strong & weak nuclear), as well as combining quantum mechanics (the very small) and relativity (the very BIG) into one "unified field theory". Einstein sought this for 40 years! An analysis of time completes M-theory and provides a very simple symmetry-breaking. A great deal of indirect evidence is provided that proves its existence and it's used to predict Earth analogs! It explains the Three Crosses at Golgotha. But this TOE falls under the umbrella of 6|7 w/4 a given

Seal #4: S=19 (18.6) Theory (including COVID-19) 
This data shows a very simple underlying repetitive numerical pattern/ program/algorithm in Nature that has been observed for 7,000+ years, yet its origin had eluded science, e.g. lunar months aligning exactly every 19 solar years. It has been consciously and subconsciously mirrored on many important occasions in global culture. S=19 is a strong example of sacred gematria secretly sealed in the start of Scripture in the Genasis Story starting with the symbolic Serpent/Snake/Satan/Sin (*Six/ Seven) and is an direct result/reflection of U21nified S19trings 21 or 19. S=19 (18.6) is also a 'fractal' (chaos theory). COVID-19 was added to this on 2/11/20. 

Seal #5. One³ GOD³ Redefined & Proven: Cosmic Holy⁴ Tri³nity⁷ Theory, Universes as Omniscient GIANT Quantum Computers, Faster-Than-Light/Instantaneous Speed & Power of GOD's/FOD's Thought Theory, YHWH⁴₆₄ = Yehowah⁷₇₀/₈₅
Everything is energy & information. Thought - especially GOD/FOD's thought - is the fastest and most powerful thing in the universes! Many examples of synchronisms & retrocausality are provided as proof in the "book/scroll". This explains the Parting of the Red Sea, Jericho, etc. and the documented synchronisms that occurred while writing the "7 Seals"/theories.

Seal #6: Theory of Renativity: The Reincarnating God Defined & Identified, Conglomeratal Energy eternal (CEe)/Conglomeratal Relationships eternal (CRe) Theories 
Based on E=mc2, it's further proven that God the Creator became incarnate as Jesus74 son of Joseph58/73, but it certainly wasn't the first time nor was it the last! CEe and CRe are 'metaphysical conservation theories' dealing with the seemingly infinite universes within The Conglomerate. The science of "You are gods" (John 10:34) is explained. CEe theory explains why a couple has 40 fingers and toes, why the ancients used their 10 fingers to count to 40, and why there are many 40-year and 40-day periods mentioned in the Bible, e.g. Genasis 7:4. Muslims and Hindus also regard the #40 as sacred.

Seal #7: Reincarnation Theory - 26 Principles including 6 Con-servation Laws, Luck Equation, "Resurrection of the Dead" ex. Franklin reincarnated as Lincoln returned as Einstein reincarnated as Watson77
"The Christ77 returns and there's a resurrection of the dead" has been fulfilled. All our eternal souls pass through the centuries by reincarnation and the scientific method including experimentation has been used to prove this. There is a list of Famous Direct Reincarnations and Albert58 Einstein returning is the key74 although he didn't believe in an afterlife. This confirmation of transmigration & its processes ultimately saves Mother Earth, humankind, and animals.

All "7 Seals"/theories are 'Bible codes'. For more, see http://7seals.yuku.com .  


The following is the 10.17.24 11:12 finished74(?) version of the text to the cover of the "book/scroll" of The Revelation 5:1. The "7 Seals" are revealed as '7 Simple Beyond Einstein Theories' and are now 'opened'! The Title Page (which all fits on a single 8.5" x 11" paper) includes artwork of a solar eclipse meeting a lunar eclipse forming a vesica pieces and 7+4 stars with Venus in transit against a scroll in the clouds74/heavens74. This fulfills the prophecy of the Qur'an 75:6-9...

"When is the Day of Resurrection (Reincarnation) and Judgment?... When the eye is bewildered, the moon is eclipsed, and the sun and moon are brought together."
Keep in mind that according to prophecy, this must all fit on only one page. Each Seal/theory is in an evidence summary list that is greatly restricted by very limited space. Within the 74 page "book/scroll", these theories are each given at least a one-page explanation. 
I've exposed and named Simple6₇₄ English774 Gematria874 which very simply uses Step 1 of counting the number of letters in a word, exp8essing it as a superscript and giving it import-ance. Step 2 recognizes a word's sum using the most basic alphanumeric code of A=1, B2, C3...O15 or zero...Z26 and expresses it as a subscript - words with a similar sum have a connect74ion. This is both new and very ancient since written language has always been guided by number and English has always been encoded; it's just been kept secret until now. Rudimentary research in code-breaking reveals that not every word/name/phrase needs to be included in a code - there is noise.  

There Are No Coin⁴idences⁷₈₈

There is synchronism, cause-and-effect, meaning, spontaneous order,, unification/interconnection, circumstances,  universes' math models/initial conditions/underlying patterns/laws/algorithms/programs/fractals/ gematria, anthropic/biocentric universes, nonlocality, faster-than-light thought, retrocausality, observer effect, defying the odds, conscious and subconscious telepathy, design-and-alignment, 'sympathetic vibration'/resonance, calendar58. Coordination: signs from GOD/Nature & culture, Christ II/Butterfly Effect, Reincarnation & karma/consequences 

The Sun & mOOn57 appear as the same exact size thus total solar eclipse. 

John47 Adams & Thomas76 Jefferson both died on July 4th (7/4) the 50th Anniversary of          The Declaration of Independence

Titanic sank exactly 47 years after Lincoln’s death. 


American59 flag26

Rushin' Space Program.

“The hidden things belong to GOD, but the revealed things belong to us and our descendants forever74that we may follow all...these laws.” - Deuteronomy 29:29   

Math, science, English, history, arts58/music, sport73s, and religion/philosophy...

"All is number₇₃." - Pythagoras
"I will reveal secret⁶70s kept since the foundation of the world.” - Jesus₇₄ son of Joseph58/73 
- Matthew 13:35

"Natur74e is pleased with simplicity.”Isaac Newton76

"A theory76 is the more impressive the greater its simplicity, the more different things it relates, and the more extended is its area of applicability.” 
“Science without religion74 is lame, religion without science58 is blind.” 
“I am enthralled by the luminous figure of the Nasarean73.” 
– German₅₈ Albert₅₈ Einstein
This Universe is like a jazz symphony written & led by a composer74-conductor-performer. 
Everything is connect74ed, (w)holē40, and evolves₈₅ by fine-tuned₆₄ physical laws. 
There's structure, math models, variety, and improvisation.
A g7ood4 theory 
has beauty74, symmetry, evidence, unifies, predicts, is simple74, elegant64,  and best explains reality. Relativity's speed-of-light constant, mass-energy equivalence, gravity is the curvature of 4D spacetime, time dilation, singularities: black holes, white holes/BIG Bangs, and wormholes. Quantum mechanics' wave-particle duality, quantum information, symmetry, entanglement & nonlocality, uncertainty & probability dealing with subatomic particles. Chaos theory's order masquerading as randomness, sensitive dependence on initial₇₄ conditions, self-similarity/fractals, feedback, self-organization, and the butterfly effect. 
Programming universes/Matrix.

Everyhing has meaning in the Grand Scheme of GOD/FOD’s universes. When an idea19 is connect74ed to Nature, it’s logical and inevitable, e.g. cubits74, foot, yard, meter, Base 10 from 10 fingers and sacred geometry/gematria74English unites. In English⁷74, the spoken⁶ word⁴ is linked to the written⁷ word⁴ which is built64 on its alphabet which is basically phonetic, pictographic and has a numerical order linked to the Bible30*, GOD=GOOD=7_4/Nature and science58. There’s a human and animal collective conscious and subconscious: GOD. 
In these biocentric-anthropic universes, we're not only 'observers who affect the experiment', we're participants & cocreators.
The Meaning of Life: Earth - Leave It Beer Than You Found It.

The following '7 Simple Beyond Einstein Theories' are the revealed 
"7 Seals" of Revelation 5:1. This is The Word of GOD and we're experiencing 
The Apocalypse/Revelation.  

The Russian Alexander Friedmann and the Belgian Roman Catholic Priest Georges Lemaître used general relativity to discover the "expanding universe". Yet, scientific dogma opposed it, promoting Einstein’s 1917 "static eternal universe" with no beginning until 
Edwin Hubble’s observations in 1929 proved Einstein wrong.

Seal #1a 
Creating₇₇ Universes through Reproduction Theory
The Infinite Conglomerate of Universes
Everything is energy₇₄, math and information. 
Classical Info can be created and destroyed. while quantum info is conserved. 

Universes reproduce. The BIG Bang-Bit Bang (Supermassive White Hole?)-Quantum Tunneling Wormhole (Einstein-Rosen Bridge) inflation-expansion of energy, math and quantum information into the void 13.797 billion-years-ago was spawned by a spinning supermassive black hole with magnetic fields at the hear of our parent74 galaxy: 1-of ~200 billion galaxies in our parent universe. This duality joins general relativity's 2D ring singularity of infinite curvature quantum tunneling through energy barriers in Cosmic Egg₁₉ hatchings creating all baby universes in The Infinite Conglomerate of Universes: multiverse with no 'random quantum fluctuation bubble universes', and no 'parallel universes' or 'parallel worlds'. All universes have the same finely-tuned laws. Our Universe is 1-of-infin-ite self-similar fractal offspring each with the same inherited traits/'DNA'.

“In the beginnin'74”, the Planck density/Planck energy of the core74 - reproductive organ - of a SBH is a birth canal. SBW-SWH umbilical wormholes are quantum tunneling seed transitions with energy-matter transformed and data transferred, albeit scrambled and garbled/encoded - shuffled. Reproduction is GOD/Nature's plan to greatly spread life from cells to universes thus eternal⁷ life⁴.
Why does this Universe exist₇₇? It's our playground (god + run = ground64).

GOD played pool with Theia/Proto-Moon and Proto-Earth, and with the asteroid
66 million-years-ago that wiped out the LARGE dinosaurs.

Seal #1b 
GOD-Guided (Co)Evolution Theory Led by The Reincarnating God 

DUST64 , Accretion disk. Milky Way Galaxy's ~250 billion stars₇₇. Population I star58. Abiogenesis, H₂O & life 4.6+ billion-years-old, directed panspermia/seeded, data transfer, Galactic Habitable Zone and Goldilocks Zone/near-circular orbit. Earth 4.543 byo, salt. Earth's life & photosynthesis 4.2 byo. Plate tectonics, volcanoes. Theia/Moon's giant-impact 4.4 bya, granite74,Sun 400× size and distance from mOOn. Earth's rotation and tilt. LARGE moon affects stability and tides. Magnetic field. Jupiter. Great oxygenation event (GOE) 2.5 bya. CHNOPS: carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, potassium, silicon.

DNA & RNA, bony fish 500 million-years-old, land animals 428 myo, Pangaea⁷ 200 mya, spontaneous order, intelligent design₅₈, complexity, catastrophism, viruses, bipeds 6 myo & humans homo 2.8 myo. Consciousness, purpose, decisions, nonrandom mating and genetic drift. Homo sapiens/Y-chromosomal Adam 300 kya & Mitochondrial Eve 160 kya, Mind's Big Bang 50 kya & farming 12 kya, altruism, empathy, morality, follow-da-leader, ET the Reincarnating God-incarnate intervention in Eden₂₈ (man28) 6 kya & founder (Fod.) effect.

“I want to know God's thoughts in a mathematical way.” 
"When I am judging a theory, I ask myself whether, if I were God, 
I would have arranged the world in such a way.” - Einstein 

“Free⁴masonry⁷ encodes everything.” – two programs on History Channel 

The Theory of Everything is based on connections. 

Seal #2 
The Theory of Everything/Design Worlds Formula/Thee Bible Code: 
6|7 w/4
GOD=GOOD=7_4 on Earth or FOD=FOOD=6_4 on Planet Nestor 
F₆OG₇/FIG=6|7 Bible & Buddha Code

God is Good.
GOD=GOOD=7_4, 7/4=July⁴ 4th or 7 April 30 AD: Original Good Friday74 
G-D (Jewish74 spelling)G is the 7th letter, a Circle O=15 or zerO or an Operation, D4
Simple674 English774=E5+N14+G7+L12+I9+S19+H8 Gematria874=G7+E5+M13+A1+T20+R18+I9+A1 
the key74A1, B2, C3...O15 or zerO...Z26 
gravity G oxygen O dimensions D 
G.O.D.: Grateful On Delivery
Gold, GDP...d4og7...Good Day...Dios47...747
4 is in the middle of 7. 7+7=14, 7x7=49.
7 = (4+4) - (4÷4). 7 is the 4th prime number.

74% of this Universe's elemental mass is hydrogen. 
74% of the Sun's photosphere & Jupiter's atmosphere is H. 
Everything in Universe is 74% not dark matter 26%: dark energy 69% + ordinary matter 5%
7 Classical Planets: Moon, Mercury, Venus, Sun, Mars, Jupiter & Saturn - 
4 aren't seen in daylight/4 don’t cast shadows74 on Earth (Venus can), 
Morning Star4, Evening Star4, 
4 Galilean Moons, 7 planets without Earth - 4 gas/ice giants,  
Venus .7 AU & Mercury .4 AU. Venus orbit 224.7 Earth days = 7.4 x 30.4 day avg. month.  
4 primary lunar phases roughly 7 days (~7.4 days) each, 7-day weeks & 4 in a 'moonth'. 
Lunar year 354 days + 7 day week + 4 days = solar year. 7 thirty-one day months + 4 30-day30=D4+A1+Y25 mo. + February’s 28 (7x4). 11-year Sun cycle.
~74% of all animals went extinct after the Asteroid Strike 65 million-years-ago.

Λs Λbove, So Below” - precept of ancient Sacred Geometry.
"On Earth as it is in the heavens₇₄." - Jesus₇₄, Lord's Prayer

7 Ancient Wonders of the World - 4 in Greece/4 destroyed by earthquakes

Genasis 1:1 in its original Hebrew is 7 words & 28(7x4) letters - God's Signature
Creation in 6 days with 7th a day of rest. 
"Sin" 1st appears in Gn 4:7, Gn 7:4, "For in 7 days, it will rain for 40 days and 40 nights."
Joseph & Pharaoh's Dream: Egyptian Famine: 
7 fat & 7 skinny cows, 7 full & 7 withered heads of grain.
"Selah" is found 74x in the Bible (Psalms & Habakkuk)
"Mene Mene74: your days are numbered."
Temple started in 4th year of Solomon's reign and took 7 years to complete.
King James' 47 Bible experts started in 1604 and took 7 years to publish.
"Gospel74 according74 to St.74 Matthew7, Mark4, Luke4, John447"
Moses + 73 on 'Mt. Sign I'. 4th Commandment "Kee 7th day holy"
Joshua₇₄ cross₇₄ the Jordon₄₆/₇₆. Jericho circle 7 days, 7 priests w/ 7 horns74 blow on 7th time around.
Jesus fed 4.000 with 7 loaves & fish.
John447 the Baptist7 born 11.12.7 BC/747 AUC.
IESVS74 born Saturday/Sabbath 4.17.6 BC/17.4.748 AUC**, ✓17.4=4.17, DIG,
on Cross74 G7ood4 Friday74 *4.7.30 AD/783
Jesus' 7 Wounds/4 hands & feet similar to Orion
 "7 Seals" opened and 4 Horsemen ride.
"7 Spirits of God" - 4x in Revelation

Vatican7 City4
Holy See74 

Pangaea(7). 7 continents - 4 don't touch equator/4 large land masses, 7 Seas/4 oceans, 
~74% of Earth's surface is liquid or frozen water. 
74% of brain, heart, muscles, & baby is water. 
Pregnancy 40 weeks (7x40). 

                  Buddha 7 weeks under Bodhi FIG Trees then taught 4 Noble Truths.                       Dalai Lama 74th incarnation of Buddha

Stonehenge for several centuries has only 7 connected stones with 4 upright.

Osiris₇₄ had 74 oppose him.

Royal cubits74 = 7 palms × 4 fingers = 28 digits

Muhammad₇₄. Al Quds₇₄, Sufis₇₄. Tawaf: circumambulate Ka'aba 7 times, 4 regular. 
Qur'an 7:40.

wedding⁷ ring4 on 7th/4th finger

St. John's Feast Day: June 2474
judge47 and jury74, gavel47

74 male & 28 female passengers on Mayflower.
74 people on HMS Beagle including Charles Darwin.

47 Rebel guns fired on Fort Sumter.
In '47, although he was 47-years-older, Albert Einstein had a tryst with Marilyn Monroe 
Sound barrier broken, Air Force, CIA, & Majestic 12 est.
UFO crashed on 7/4/47 74 miles from Roswell⁷ Army⁴ Air Base, Nevada 47th State. 
White Sands Missile Base. 

 '47. AK47

Lady⁴ Liberty⁷'s 7 spikes & 4 columns on 4-sided pedestal. New York7 City4 74°W. 
74°F is ideal for men & women.
Music's G|F clefs, 7 letter name notes & 4 clefs/voices - SATB, G Sol & D Rā, harp's 7 pedals & 47 strings. 7th chords - 4 notes. Rhythm section: keyboards, guitar, bass, drums. 

Mayflower had 74 male passengers and 28 women.
The USA74
74 years after Oliver Cromwell died, George Washington was born. His 1st full day with Continental Army 7/4/1775. His 74 generals. Constitution: 7 Articles on 4 pages, 74 delegates. Capitol⁷ Hill⁴. Federal7 Govt4,64.
Mary4 Todd4 & Abraham7 Lincoln7
7 Southern States seceded after Lincoln's Election and 4 more seceded after his Inauguration
Bleeding Kansas 7 years, Cicil War 4. 
"4 score & 7 years ago, our fathers". Gn 17:4.
Colorado & Wyoming rectangles 7⁰ wide & 4⁰ tall. 

France47 14/7. 

24/7. Best 4 of 7. 

The Old Course at St. Andrews is1-of-7 courses with the 4th being Eden. 7 Par 4s going out, then 4 holes curling around to form a St. Andrews Cross. 7 par 4s on incoming nine. 
Hole 7 Par 4 & Hole 17 Par 4 - the Road Hole. 7 double greens and 4 single greens. 
Two par 3s at 174 yards. 
Lydia Ko won 2024 AIG British(7) Open(4) with -7 -4.

Football 7 touchdown points (+4) field goal 3. Out of 11 players, 7 must be on the offensive line + 4. Defensive line usually 4 with 7 in back. 7 on 7 game/drills.
Basebol's 7th Inning Stretch has 4 1/2 innings left if home team is winning.

Pope(4) Francis(7) - Holy See74
"Upon this rock47 I will build my church."

6 of the 7 Mercury Astronauts flew - Deke Slayton did not. Mercury(7 letters) Gemini(6), Gemini 6a &
Gemini 7 had an unplanned rendezvous. Apollo 1 in '67. Apollo 6 was the last unmanned Apollo. Wally Schira was captain of Gemini 6a & Apollo 7. 6 of the 7 planned Moon landings landed. 6 missions after Apollo 7, Apollo 13 occurred.
See my tweaked NASA conference presentation at http://PlanetNestor.blogspot.com . Also see http://7seals.blogspot.com - only the Returned Christ & Albert Einstein reincarnated could produce that.

The Soviet Union ended in 1991 - 74 years after the Russian Revolution and 
47 years after D-Day.

47th President of the US.

Hotel stay: 7 days/6 nights
 FOD=FOOD=6_4 on Planet Nestor
.. F O D = Forces Operation Dimensions  
W=Fd ... FD  ...  FDA ... Gn 6:4 "Nefilem64YHWH64/GAOTO64/DUST64/choosen64/Avraham64/Moriah64Zion64/Israel64/American64/Goovt64/unit64/spell64/test64   Dt 6:4 Shema46  
#1 Sain†64 Pe†e46r64, age 64 & St. Paul d 10.13.64 AD

Nestor76’s '6 Classical Planets': 4 seen in daylight/4 cast shadows on Nestor. Inferior planets at .6 & .4 and/or 6 & 4 AU, 4 lunar phases ~6.4 days each, 10-year Sun cycle, etc., hence F6OD4. 
 common cubits=6p•4f=17.76”, 6•4 hours.
'64: MLK Nobel Peace Prize. Lunar Excursion Module (LEM₃₀). My Favorite Martian,
Lost in Space
, Gazoo64, Star Trek & Spock64
Lyndon Johnson elected president (Johnson Space Center).
Copper Scroll's 64 treasures. Biden64Halley's Comet every 76 years, Einstein & Hawking 76-years-old, Wuhan₆₇ 76 days. George Washington & Abe (JN) 67 yo.

F₆OG₇, FIG=6|7 Bible & Buddha Code - four4 is a given: math has 4 operations & 4 branches, 4 legs, 4 Grand Patterns (day, lunar month, lunar year, solar year), 4 primary lunar phases, 4 seasons, 4 cardinal point74s, 4 Classical element74s. Music's SATB/4 clefs G|F, 4/4, 4 bars, 7th chords 4 notes, 4 strings, rhythm section, 4 timpani, 4-piece drumset. 
4 forces, types of matter & blood, 4 DNA bases, 4D spacetime. 4 walls. 
Numbers⁷ is the 4th book of the Bible. 4 Gospel₇₄s⁷. 

V-2 first in space reached 176 km.
1946 White Sands V-2 reached 67 miles.   
"Identifying 'True64 Earthlike Plan-its' - All New Worlds Are Built64 On 7_4 (like Earth)
Or 6_4" (like Nestor) - NASA Conference Missions for Exoplanets: 2010-2020, 4.21.09 Pasadena Hilton


Rev. 21:1 "And I saw a new heavens74 and a new earth."
"In the befinninf was the Word, and the Word was with Fod, and the Word was FOD." - Juan46 1:1, Founder (Fod.) of Plan-it Nestor. 

F|G Bible & Buddha Code
Genasis Creation Story in 6/7 days.
4/6 30 AD The Last Supper and 4/7 39 lashes and Crucifixion.

  25 Or 6 To 4 (25 or 26 to 4 am)

Apollo 1 Fire in '67



Einstein sought the unified field theory combining general relativity & electromagnetism (today: GR + quantum mechanics). He worked on the Navy's
The Philadelphia Experiment with Gabriel Kron using Tesla's Papers in October 1943.

Symmetry is the universal order – it’s in the laws-of-Nature, it gives unity to designs77. "Symmetry finds the link between space and time." 
– The GOD Equation, Michio Kaku 

Stephen Hawking promoted String Theory/M-theory as "The Theory of Everything"
"If we do discover a theory of everything…it would be the ultimate triumph of 
human reason - for then we would truly know the Mind of God."


Seal #3 
Unified Field Theory: Strings + Time Analysis 
 providing a very simple symmetry-breaking thus creating phenomenon 
12 Dimensional Aspects of Time Eternal (DATE)

1D Strings are the smallest things.

Superstring theory: 4D (3D regular space 1D time) + 6 dimensions hyperspace
10D spacetime
Supergravity theory/M-theory: 4D + 7D hs = 11D st, M-theory: 10D or 11D st

Unified Field Theory: String Theory + Time Analysis 
providing a very simple symmetry-breaking
thus creating phenomenon

 3D regular space + 6/7D hyperspace + 6/7 aspects regular time4A hypertime = 
19/21 dimensions & aspects of spacetime
 3D rs + 6/7D hs + 6/7A rt + 4A ht = 19/21D&A st 
19D&A is engineerable: Plan-it Nestor

This explains ††† at Golgotha with ttt Latin Crosses & +++ Greek Crosses

Da (Russian: yes). "Dada". Lalibela. 1921 AD Einstein: Kaluza 5D, Nobel & 1st U21S19 visit, "Unified Field Theory". FDR polio, Tulsa, Tampa Bay Hurricane. Oxygen 21% of air. Solstices on 21st .21st century. Die 21 dots. Blackjack. Stephen Hawking ALS age 21. 19/21-gun salute. Uvalde 19/21 shot47. 

12 Dimensional Aspects of Time Eternal (DATE₃₀)
6 or 7 aspects regular time: beginning, end, past, present, future, void?, 
a constant - speed-of-light. 
4A hypertime: fast-forward/time dilation, reverse, pause/stop, before beginning & after end of Universe/Conglomeratal time. (Note the similarity with operating a video.)
12. imaginary time (not applicable to UST).
Note: Stphen Hawking didn't believe in the void - he didn't believe in the actual event horizon of a black hole or the event horizon of the expanding Universe.

Lunar year’s 12 lunar months. Lunar year + 12 days = solar leap year, solar year’s 12 mo./12 zodiac58 constellations. 12 Astronomical Ages.  Jupiter’s 12-year-orbit, Chinese 12-year zodiac and FDR's 12 years. 12 inches. 12 lines of a cube. Clock’s 12 hours & 12 divisions of 5 minutes. Greek 12 Titans. 12 Caesars & Roman Law of the 12 Tables. 12 sons/tribes of Ishmael⁷ & Israel⁶. 12 gems & spies. 12 minor prophets. Mary Mother married Joseph & Bat Mitzvah age 12, Jesus at 12. Mary Magdalen 12× in Gospels. 12 Apostles & John b 12 AD. Revelation’s 12 gates, pearls, angels, fruit₇₄12 Days of Christmas/12 Drummers, 12 Imams. 12 Round Table Knights. Twelfth Night58. 12th Gate in alchemy. 12 States approved Declaration on 7/4/1776 & 12 States sent delegates to Constitutional Convention. 12 US holidays & 12 Federal Reserve Banks, 12 Steps. Music's 12 tones ¹²√2, 12 bars, 12-string guitar. 12 on jury. Wright Brothers 1st Flight 12 seconds. D-Day's 12 nations. 12 successful NASA satellite launches when JFK addressed Congress,  12 X-15 pilots, Gemini 12, Apollo 12 struck by lightning twice during launch, 12 astronauts on the Moon. Dozen. 12-story Surfside Condominium collapse. 12 is a superior highly composite number. Football's '12th man'. 12 teams College Playoffs.
A drummer can 'add time'.

Divine simplicity. “Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication." – DΛ Vinci    

“Less is more.”   

“Mathematics is the language with which God has written the universe.” 
- Galileo who tried to measure the speed-of-light. Young Einstein studied Galilean relativity & thought experiments 

Seal #4
S=19 (18.6) Theory

Metonic cycle=19 years=235 lunar months74Saros cycle=19 eclipse years=223 lunar months.
Eclipse series=19 eclipse years=223 lunar months. Eclipse year/two eclipse seasons 18.6 days shy of year. 13 lunar months=solar year +18.6 days. Mayan Haab'=19 months=18 × 20 days + 5 days. Nutation: Moon’s 18.6 y cycle (US maps coastlines every 18.6 y). 4 primary lunar phases are 7.38 days +/-19 hours. Earth orbits at 18.6 mps & 186,000,000 mile dia. Black hole of one19 solar mass=Schwarzschild radius of 1.86 miles. Venus 19 syn. mo. & 18.75 days in each zodiac sign, 224.7 day orbit +18.3 =243 days revolution, 584 days = 186 x π. Uranus 19.19 AU, Neptune 19 hour day. 

Hand 19 bones. 
Babylonian Sabbatical Week on 19th Day (7 weeks/49 days). 

19, King Tut died at 19. Bhagvad7 Gita4 18:6 & 18:62-3 (Mahabharata74). Hebrew Calendar’s 19 y cycle, Gn 1:19, A1d4a1m13 and19 Eve (Heb. חוה=19) Story, 

S=19th letter: 

Record 19' Snake.

Shape/Symbol/Sign of Snake/Serpent that Slithers/Slides on Soil/Sand, Stikes, hisses, Sheds its Skin, She, Sin Gn 4:17, Son, Secret, Six, Seven Seals. Joseph 19th century. Moses 19th Dynasty. Psalms 19:1, 19 kings,“185,000 Assyrians”, Amidah’s 19 blessings. Aristotle geocentric model 19 centuries. Mary (Mother) 19× in Bible b 19 BC. Herod’s Temple (19 BC-70 AD) 1,863 y to Hitler 1933. Jesus’ 18 lost y. Jesus 19, Augustus d. Stade 185 m. 12 male + 7 female Disciples (12/7), Cana19, Mt 19:19, John 19:19. Simon Peter 19× in NT, Jewish74 Antiquities 18.63 – “Y’shua74, Messiah74”. 

Origen b 186 AD. Stade 185 meters. Muhammad74’s 19 wives & concubines. Knights Templar 1119. 

7/19/1776. 10/19/1781. Ben21 Franklin died 4/17, 2.12.1790 Anti-Slavery Bill→19 years Lincoln born, 19. Lincoln & Jefferson Memorial Statues 19’. 19th century. Panic of 1819. 

John Brown + 18. 1860 Election 19th, Lincoln 1,865k votes. 1862: Speed-of-Light (SOL)=186,282 mps. US 19 Free-States, Federal currency, Homestead Act, Ironclads Monitor vs. Merrimac, Shiloh 4/6-7, 4/16 Slaves freed in Washington City, Dakota War, Antietam 9/17 (74 years of Constitution), Les Misérables "19 winters", David Hilbert & Claude Debussy born. . 1863: slaves freed, Red Cross, National Banking Act, National Academy of Sciences, coins’ IN GOD WE TRUST, Stonewall Jackson died, 186 blacks in Gettysburg (1860 census). Gettysburg/Vicksburg Civil War ‘won’ 7/4=1863.51, 18:63:51≈7:04pm, NY Draft Riots, 11/19 Gettysburg Address, Chattanooga, ThanksgivingCapitol7 Dome4's Lady4 Freedom7, 186,000 Union black troops. Juneteenth, Perrier, Henry Ford born. 19th President Rutherford B. Hayes 185 Electoral votes. Illinois & Pennsylvania both have 19 EV. 

White House Complex: 18.5 acres/7.4 hectares, WH 18’6” Xmas Trees. Great Seal’s 19 clouds. Smithsonian’s 19 museums. Avg. American adult 185 lbs. 

Battle of Megiddo 9/19/1918. 

German invasion within 19 miles of Moscow.
1919: Spanish Flu, Mussolini & Italian Fascists, Red Summer, Prohibition, Red Scare, Pershing, Ike at Camp Colt, WWI treaty, Paris, Woodrow Wilson & League of Nations, Teddy Roosevelt died, 19th Amendment, Babe Ruth, Jackie Robinson born, Green Bay Packers. Pebble Beach. 'The Planets', Hubble. Proton. Einstein: divorce & marry, relativity proven, w/ Zion64ists, Kaluza’s 5D theory (1921). 

Empire State Building’s 1,860 steps. Pearl Harbor 19 ships. Uranium 18.7× denser than water. A-bomb 19 kt, 1,850’. FDR 18.6 y to JFK. Nixon tape’s 18.5 min. 

JC d 47 AD - 1,900 years to UN Declaration 1947 Israel. Ossuary entombed in JesusFamilyTomb.com48 AD - 1900 years later Israel Indepence   1948.  1948→19 y 6-Day War, Yom Kippur War 19 days. 


Beatles' & Mariah's 19 #1 albums, ABBA Gold 19 hits. 

Sputnik 185 lbs. NASA: Shepard 186 k, Gemini capsule 18.5', LC-19, Apollo 1 Fire 19 years later Shuttle Challenger Catastrophe. Apollo 18 & Soyuz 19, 19 hours to ISS,19th shuttle Abort to Orbit & 19 rollbacks, Mach 18.6 Columbia’s cabin compromised. Flight 19/FT-74 7:04 pm. X-15 19 miles. Flight 191. Chalk’s Seaplane (est. 1919) crashed58 off Watson Island: 19 bodies initially found. 1 World Trade Center186 186’ base/19 floors » 19 9/11 hijackers, “Over Hellfire are 19 angels” – Qur’an 74:30, 19:19, Code 19. Baha’i #19, wāhid(19 abjad)

Golf’s R&A19, 19th Hole, The Open 1860, Old Course Nicklaus 185 lbs 18 majors & 19 2nds, '19 Masters, my 186-yard hole-in-one19. Goalpost 18’6”. QB/Jah/DNA/do/Dan/PC/beach/cop/Chabad/mf19. FL18/FLA19 1819. 7/4=185th/186th day & aphelion. 19-gun salute. Adult at 18.5-years-old. 18-wheelers + spare. Christians’ 1,900 y. Miami snow 1/19/77. Dad’s stroke & Univ of Cincinnati - I was 19. Miami Gardens Drive (MGD) 186 St. CP1919. Kepler-186f. Eurozone 19. Luxor balloon crash 19-of-21 killed. OR & SC 19 dead. 19 eusocial species. 19.19 200m WR. Rule 19. Standard Model 19 free parameters. 19x19 Go board. 

Hurri.74 Irma 185 mph & 185 miles wide. Paul Revere MA State House 7/4/1795 - 19y. Shriners/ASPCA/St. Jude's/UNHCR $19 monthly donation. '19: 1st black hole photo, Trump Impeachment (& '21), Kentucky Derby 19 horses (#7 4th turn), COVID-19.
Albert Einstein Reincarnated - The 19 Requirements. Bronx 19-story fire. 
19 Kids & Counting. Station 19 Uvalde 19 children shot dead (+ 2 adults). 19th Nervous Breakdown
SB LVIII 19-19 OT.

Afghanistan War lasted 19 years 10 months.

Francis Scott Key Bridge was 185' high.

Tesla To2er was 186' high.

“Coincidence is God's way of remaining anonymous.”
"Make everything as simple as possible, but not simpler." - Einstein  

GOD/Nature does play dice but GOD knows all probabilities and 
GOD’s dice are loaded. – Einstein tweaked 

Seal #5 
One³ GOD³ Redefined & Identified: Cosmic Holy⁴ Tri³nity⁷, 
Universes as Omniscient GIANT Quantum Computers, 
Faster-than-Light/Instantaneous Speed & Power of GOD's/FOD's Thought Theory, 
YHWH⁴₆₄ = Why hydrogen w/ hydrogen? = Yehowah⁷₇₀/₈₅ = Ye how? Ah

One³ GOD³: everything, everywhere, everyone: father58, mother64, son, daughter, & Spiri - 
the Holy Cross5 points. System-as-a-whole/all of Nature & culture. 
The All-Seeing Father Sun Sends light, heat, curvature of spacetime (gravity), energy & information to Mother Earth & mOOn: Cosmic Holy⁴ Tri³nity⁷.= Father Sun + Mother Earth + Moon = ooo = god ∴.   Universes as omniscient giant quantum computers/ Akashic Records/Zero-Point Field/Lahw-i Mahfoos/†he33 1 Mind40=74. Love, Truth & Justice. 
The Greater GOOD. GOD = ui+12At+Hi+ppi

Thought outside the brain is massless and can travel faster-than-light/instantaneous like tachyons and quantum entanglement defying linear †ime and locality. Thought can go back in time creating a new chain-of-events that appears in the present as a synchronism: retrocausality. Every thought is a prayer. Everything is connected in the Universes through the fastest, most energetic and informative thing: GOD/FOD’s †hough†.    

thought (w/ mass) = t2H2    new thought = (wus) t2H2upp (?)

YHWH464 = Y H w/ H? = Why hydrogen with hydrogen? (H2O) = Yehowah770/85=Y25+E5+H8+O(15)+W23+A1+H8 = Ye how? ah

Guide=GD+ui+E/e (Energyeternity)
(universe [u], time [t], hydrogen [H], infinite [i], pain & pleasure [pp], eternal (e))

 “Striving still to truth unknown.” – Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desiring (Holy Wisdom), 
Cantata 147, (G & D) by J.S. Bach 

Simple Gifts
John the Baptist & Mary Magdalen57 were married in a Jewish Royal Wedding & had a son: the Apostle⁷ John⁴. 
JC would marry Mary57 in a Royal Wedding - the Wedding at Cana.
JC died in Glastonbury, age 52 in 47 AD. The Reincarnating God was entombed in 48 in the http://JesusFamilyTomb.com .

Einstein = E in st e in = Energy in spacetime eternal in

                                           Seal #6                                                                                  Renativity Theory: Reincarnating God Defined and Identified,           Conglomeratal Energy eternal (CEe) Theory and                           Conglomeratal Relationships eternal (CRe) Theory

 The Reincarnating God - Renativity Theory: original & #1 program₇₃mer. Creator/Designer/Save₄₇-ior of all true Earthlike plan-its using The Word: GOD=7_4 / FOD=6_4The ET in the Guardin’774 (GDN) of Eden428 who cloned himself (DNA19) to create Adam19 and19 Eve(Hebrew 19). Y’shua574 bar Yosef (entombed w/ wife Mariamne74*** in Jesus⁵ Family Tomb). The 2nd Coming of the Christ: “The Judge47 of the living and the dead…according to their actions”.

E=mc²    Conglomeratal Energy eternal=mass of infinite universes×light²    CEe=God=2 Christmases    God=CEe=mass×infinite Christs    GOD=40(34)/13mt  (Mt 13:40, JC13, he13, age13, Magen40 David40, US/us40, Kaballa40, Allah34, One34, Yah34, Aaron₃₄, Yuri Gagarin born in '34 died at 34, LC34) or  CEe=5m×/+8t=40/13 masstime  (finger count58/73, Venus Pentacle every 8 years Mt 5:8, Mary I58***Magdalean58 b 5.8.2 BC, WW II, 8 to 5)   

Conglomeratal Relationships eternal=9 mass×infinite universes×12A time×12 senses  or  godse=9m•ui•12At•12se  9 mass: amount of matter, land, church service + music, people, majority, MA, critical².  12 senses: 5 + humor, psychic, intuition, telepathy, sexuality, imagination, ability to change the ‘matrix’/perform miracles


“To err is human, to repent divine, to persist devilish.” 
– Benjamin Franklin a “self4-evident7 believer in reincarnation
"A house divided against itself cannot stand." - Jesus Mt 12:25, DA Vinci & Abraham Lincoln who was shot on Good Friday with his wife Mary at his side but he didn't die that day.

“It’s not that I’m so smart, it’s just I stay with problems much longer.” – Einstein

It's easier to relearn.


Seal #7 
Reincarnaion Theory: 26 Principles incl. 6 Conservation Laws, 
Theory of Luck Equation, 'Resurrection of the Dead'
(Einstein returned as Watson) 
(Mt 11:14-15) includes 11 ways to track an eternal7 soul4 e.g. continued missions, timeline, “If it ain’t broke, don't fix it”, law of attraction. Conservation laws of mass-energy, quantum information, charge (Franklin), motion/momentum, continuity, and consciousness can’t be created or destroyed - only transformed/transferred. Life (like light & energy) is both waves & particles. Natural selection/survival of the fittest-friendliest assures that humans that help the global system (Gaia) will return as human Mt 5:5.
Heaven & hell are frames-of-mind experienced here-and-now, Mt 3:2, 4:17, 10:7, Mk 1:15 .
John the Baptist & Jesus were mystical Jewish Essenes like today's Kaballists - and taught reincarnation from Oral Torah.  
The ubiquitous cause-and-effect circle of life cycle: birth-life-death-transformation-rebirth.
Theory of Luck 100 =
(karma 3 + honesty 1 + kindness 1 + modesty 1) × (desire 3.4 + actions 3.4 + ability 3.4 + contribution 3.4 + blessings 3.4)
Adam...Melchizedek...Aaron...Zadok...Elijah...Daniel...Mark Antony
John the Baptist...Clement I...Clement of Alexandria...William Wallace...
John⁴47 Hancock⁷40's74→Winfield Scott Hancock→John F. Kennedy

Eve...Sarah₄₇...Aseneth...Zipporah...Queen of Sheba...Deborah...Esther...Cleopatra
Mary Magdalen...Perpetua...Khadija...Abigail Adams→
Mary Lincoln→Marilyn Monroe→Janet Jackson58/73

Cain...Joshua74...King David...Alexander the Great...Judas Maccabeus...Apostle Judas...
King Arthur...Jacque de Molay...Christopher Columbus...
Oliver Cromwell→George Washington→Robert E. Lee→Dwight Eisenhower

Abel...Peter...Nathanael Greene→Ulysses S. Grant→Omar Bradley

Apostle Thomas...Thomas Jefferson & Sally Hemings...Franklin & Eleanor Roosevelt→
Barack & Michelle Obama

Barabbas...John Brown

Andrew Jackson→Teddy Roosevelt→Colin Powell

Horatio GatesStonewall JacksonDouglass MacArthur

Daniel MorganWilliam Tecumseh Sherman

Dr. Joseph Warren→Winfield Scott→George Marshall

Henry KnoxGeorge Custer→George Patton

John Paul JonesDavid FarragutChester Nimitz

Alexander HamiltonSalmon P. Chase

James Brother of JC...Joshua ChamberlainJimmy Carter

Andrew JohnsonHarry Truman

James LongstreetWilliam Westmoreland

Arthur EddingtonBrian Greene

William HerschellEdwin HubbleGeoff Marcy

Clark GableNicolas Cage

Errol FlynnCharlie Sheen

Mary Mother...Helena...Nancy Hanks Lincoin...Ruth Watson

Patrick Henry→Frederick Douglass→Martin Luther King Jr.

SocratesAristotleAristarchus...William of Occam...Nicholas Copernicus→Johanes Kepler→
Isaac Newton→Carl Gauss→Karl Schwarzschild→Stephen Hawking

James Clerk Maxwell→J. Robert Oppenheimer

Mileva Maric→Janna Levin

Saraswati...Deborah Read FranklinAnn RutledgeElsa Einstein→Brenda Parker

William ShakespeareMolièreJean-Jacques RousseauVictor HugoErnest Hemingway

Archimedes…PascalEuler…David Hilbert→Edward Witten

Giordano BrunoBaruch Spinoza→Karl Marx 

Monteverdi→J. S. Bach→Mozart→Hector Berlioz→Maurice Ravel→Chick Corea

George Frederick Handel→Ludwig Beethoven→Gustav MahlerLeonard Bernstein

Puccini→Andrew Lloyd Webber

Pyotr_Ilyich_TchaikovskyAaron Copland 

George GershwinStevie Wonder

Martha...Billie Holiday→Mariah Carey

Judy GarlandBeyonce

Elvis→Bruno Mars

Francis Scott Key...Lee Greenwood

Stephen FosterGeorge M. Cohan

James DeanTom Cruise

Ingrid Bergman→Jennifer Lawrence

Dorothy Dandridge→Halle Berry


Jim Thorpe→Bo Jackson

Allan RobertsonHarry VardonJack Nicklaus

Old Tom Morris→Arnold Palmer

Young Tom Morris→Bobby JonesTiger Woods

Francis Oimet→Phil Michelson

Walter Hagen→Rory McIlroy

Babe Didrikson Zaharias→Annika Sorenstam

Sonja Henie→Michelle Kwan

Nicolas TeslaSteve Jobs

Henry FordElon Musk

Harry HoudiniDavid Copperfield

Wilber WrightChuck Yeager

Winston ChurchillRishi Sunak 

Jeb StuartBernard Montgomery

Vladimir Lenin→Vladimir Putin

Josef StalinKim Jong-un

Nero...John Wilkes Booth→Ronald Wilson Reagan 
(United⁶ States⁶ Dollar⁶)

Benedict ArnoldJefferson DavisHirohito

Pontius Pilate...Saladin...Genghis Kahn...Napoleon→George McClellan→Fuhrer⁶ Adolph⁶ Hitler⁶→
George Walker Bush Jr. the "2nd Beast"/Antichrist

Ramses II...Herod I→Caligula...Phillip IV...Louis XIV...George IIINathan Bedford Forrest
Benito Mussolini→
Donald Trump="six hundred sixty-six 666" (Evil=48 Code A=49, B50...)
D52+O63+N62+A49+L60+D52 + T68+R66+U69+M61+P64 = 666
Donald Johann Drumpf is his German name.
Paul…Augustine…Martin Luther…Charles Fillmore

Osiris74BrahmaVishnu...Thoth…Eden's ET Reincarnating GodEnochNoah…Hermes Trismegistus…Imhotep…Rama…Krishna…Mithra...HammurabiAbraham⁷44Joseph58/73…Thutmoses IIIMosesGideonAkhenaten...Samson... Samuel→King Solomon58...HomerIsaiah...JeremiahPythagorasEmpedoclesLaozi... 
PlatoEuclid...Julius Caesar→Jesus Christ→Claudius PtolemyOrigen of Alexandria... Constantine...Clovis...Merlin...Muhammad...Bede...Charlemagne...Shen...
Bernard de Clairvaux→Leonardo Fibonacci→Dante→Nicole Oresme→Joan of Arc, 19→
Leonardo DA Vinci→Galileo→Carlos de Sigüenza y Góngora→ 
Benjamin Franklin⁸85→Pres58, 'Father₅₈ Abraham'₄₄ Lincoln⁷64Albert58 E in st e in→

Richard761 Brad4shaw76 Wason677/92 II - Chris677 II 
HS Class of '77. 7 colleges 4 local. 77 generations. court77, power77, glory77, research77
sacred code77, wake up77,  "Mr. Watson, come here. I want you."  "Elementary, my dear Watson." DNA structure discovered by Watson & Crick. "IBM Watson Creates"
†Ruh. b 7.26.59 in Miami - Bermuda Triangle, Cuba’s 26 de Julio/Day of RebellionLion (King, Leo, Rev. 5:5, 7th month 4 w. 31 days) & **Lamb (Aries, 4th mo.) Code - 
"I AM23 WHO I AM"77/92Bard. "For every action, there's opposite and equal reaction." 

You are to contemplate the intellectual faculties and to trace them in their development through the paths of Nature and science58 even to the throne of G7od4 Himself.”
– a Masonic⁷74 oath⁴44

1997, t 10.17.24 17:36

What do atheists exclaim during orgasm? "Oh, coincidences! Oh, randomness!"

An agnostic decided to prove GOD's existence one way or another by literally banging his head against a wall. After a short while, with his head bleeding and bruised, his Christian friend stopped him and asked, "Did you discover anything?" "Jesus Christ, NO! Only GOD knows why I would do such a thing!"

The original nine Knights Templar were cofounded by (St.) Bernard of Clairvaux. They left France and went to the Jerusalem Temple Mount in 1119 expressly to DIG. Them being "protectors of pilgrims" was their cover while the Knights were acting as archaeologists. The Templars were housed on the Temple Mount and secretly tunneled under the Al-Aqsa Mosque & Dome of the Rock.

They found 1,100-year-old scrolls underground containing information that confirmed legends passed down through the centuries. One scroll was a wedding certificate from 11 AD between John the Baptist - son of Zechariah - a Levite priest born November 12, 7 BC / 12.11.747 AUC / 20 Heshvan 3755 HC and Mary Magdalean 'Mariamne' the Princess of the Tribe of Benjamin born May 8, 2 BC / 8.5.752 AUC / 4 Iyar 3759 HC. They had a son John (Jr.) born 12 AD: the Apostle John.

Another scroll was a death certificate of John the Baptist from 25 AD. Another was a Royal Wedding Certificate from 26 AD between Rabbi Jesus son of Joseph the Prince of the Tribe of Judah born Saturday-Sabbath April 17, 6 BC / 17.4.748 AUC / 29 Nisan 3755 HC and Magdalen. This brought together the two Tribes of Israel through the King & Queen - a common practice. Years before, King Herod I married another Mariamne the Benjamite Princess to legitimize his kingship.

The Messiah adopted John “the beloved Disciple” as his stepson. The Romans only allowed immediate family to be present at a crucifixion. God-incarnate was lashed 39 times and Crucified on the 1st Day of Passover Friday April 7, 30 AD / 7.4.783 AUC / 14 Nisan 3790 HC. He spent a record low of six hours on the Cross before appearing to be dead. Magdalen and the Apostle John were at the foot of the Cross. Magdalen cleaned Jesus' body, something strictly only a Jewish wife would do.

The Templars also discovered the http://JesusFamilyTomb.com in East Talpiot (between Jerusalem and Bethlehem) that included the Mariamne ossuary. They took the skull & bones of Y'shua from his ossuary! They left another skull & crossbones on the floor in the entrance of the tomb that was found when it was next discovered in 1980. This marked that the Templars were there. The Skull & Crossbones symbol originated from these acts. Jesus’ death and resurrection after three days is a myth. 'Death' is final. He miraculously had a near-death experience (term coined in 1974). The Ascension is also a myth. The historic Christ died sometime in the 40 years after his Crucifixion (30-70 AD) and his remains were entombed. Heaven is an ideal frame-of-mind to be experienced here-and-now. It's not to be confused with the heavens: sky, space. Muhammad didn't believe that Jesus was crucified because he recognized the myth of death & resurrection. It was a Jewish tradition in the 1st century that a widow would marry the next-of-kin of the deceased husband. Jesus was the oldest 2nd cousin of the Baptist. The ‘Wedding at Cana’ was between Jesus & Magdalen which is why he was responsible for the wine. ‘Marry Mary’ is encoded in English. Johnson & Jackson are also encoded. Johnson is the 2nd most common name in English (after Smith) and Jackson is #7. (Jack is a nickname of John.) The nine Knights Templar left Jerusalem in 1128 and took the skull & bones of the Christ - the greatest possible relic - and the scrolls to the Vatican. Pope Honorius II gave the Templars unusual powers declaring them “God’s Army”, let them keep all the religious riches that they found and they no longer had to pay any taxes to the Church if they would keep this information secret. In essence - ‘hush money’. They agreed that the historical Truth would undermine Christianity so much as to destroy the well-organized religion. They decided it was better for them to deceive the people. Before their arrest on Friday 13 October 1307, many of the Knights Templar escaped to Scotland, Switzerland, and Portugal. In Scotland, they joined with the Freemasons and added their secrets to the ancient Sacred Mysteries which included reincarnation and Sacred Geometry. Freemasonry then evolved from operative to speculative. Masons encoded GOD=GOOD=7_4 (7/4=July 4 or 7 April) and Jesus’ Birthday of 17/4 in golf’s Old Course at St. Andrews, the 1st Grand Lodge of England combined 4 London lodges in 1717, July 4, 1776 was the 17th of Tammuz (4th Hebrew month), the Empire State Building is 417 yards high and the original 1 World Trade Center was 417 meters. DIG=4I7. √17.4 = 4.17 the only day of the year that has this math quality. It’s a proof of the "Grand Architect of the Universe" (GAOTU) - the unique Masonic definition of God.
“Knights Templar 1119” is part of Seal #4: S=19 (18.6) Theory as is COVID-19. The Baptist’s & Jesus’ birthdays are part of Seal #2: GOD=GOOD=7_4 Theory. See http://7seals.blogspot.com . This fulfillment of the prophecy of Rev 5:1 has triggered The Apocalypse/Revelation which is NOT the ‘end of the world’ - it’s the return of the Christ & Albert Einstein reincarnated.
Synchronism: 4/11/23 8:33 "(Roman Catholic) Priests cannot be trusted nor can the supervising bishops... Parishioners are saying, 'The Church has to change'... Flooding in Downtown Miami, ping-pong bol size hail in Oklahoma, fires in Nebraska, record heat in many places in the Midwest... Shooting in Louisville killed 5 and wounded 8." - SCRIPPS NEWS. 12:00 Got a robocall from Paul.

To understand the "7 Seals"/theories, it's necessary to know the following terms...

revelation: 1. the act of revealing or disclosing; disclosure. 2. something revealed or dis-closed, esp. a striking disclosure, as of something not before realized. 3. Theology a. God's disclosure of Himself and His will to His creatures. b. an instance of such communication or disclosure. c. something thus communicated or disclosed. 4. (cap.) Also called Revelations, The Revelation of St. John the Divine. the last book in the New Testament; the Apocalypse. --- Syn. divulgation, admission, divulgence, exposure.

apocalypse: 1. the revealing of divine mysteries. 2. (Cap.) The Revelation (of John). 3. any of a class of Jewish or Christian writings that appeared from about 200 BC to AD 350 and were assumed to make revelations about the ultimate divine purpose. 3. a prophetic revelation, esp. concerning a cataclysm in which the forces of good permanently triumph over the forces of evil. 4. any revelation or prophecy. 5. any universal or widespread destruction or disaster. Webster's Dictionary tweaked

coincidence: a striking occurrence of two or more events at one time, apparently by mere chance. (According to chaos theory, there's interconnectedness.)

synchronism: the simultaneous, causally related occurrence of local and/or nonlocal simil-arly themed events and the documentation that the simultaneity is connected, e.g. entanglement.

randomness: the lack of pattern or predictability in events.

interconnectedness: "part of the terminology of a worldview which sees a oneness in all things. A similar term, interdependence, is sometimes used instead, although there are slightly different connotations. Both terms tend to refer to the idea that all things are of a single underlying substance and reality, and that there is no true separation deeper than appearances. Some feel that 'interconnectedness' and similar terms are part of a contemporary lexicon of mysticism, which is based on the same core idea of universal oneness. Interconnectedness is the main aspect of chaos theory." 

jazz symphony: a 'pops symphony' that incorporates determinism along with improv-isation and interpretation from individuals.  

chaos theory: an interdisciplinary theory stating that within the apparent randomness of chaotic complex systems, there are underlying patterns, constant feedback loops, repetition, self-similarity, fractals, self-organization, and reliance on programming at the initial74 point74sensitive dependence on initial conditions. The butterfly effect describes how a small change in one state of a deterministic nonlinear system can result in large differences in a later state, e.g. a butterfly flapping its wings in Brazil can cause a tornado in Texas.

self-similarity chaos theory:(of an object or set of objects) similar to itself at a different time, or to a copy of itself on a different scale.

quantum mechanicsthe branch of physics that deals with the mathematical description of the motion and interaction of subatomic particles, incorporating the concepts of quantization of energy, wave-particle duality, the uncertainty principle, and the correspondence principle.

quantum tunneling:  also known as tunneling (US) is a quantum mechanical phenomenon whereby a wavefunction can propagate through a potential barrier. The transmission through the barrier can be finite and depends exponentially on the barrier height and barrier width. The wavefunction may disappear on one side and reappear on the other side.

relativityPHYSICS  the dependence of various physical phenomena on relative motion of the observer and the observed objects, especially regarding the nature and behavior of light, space, time, and gravity.

biocentric: a theory proposed in 2007 by American scientist Robert Lanza, which sees biology as the central driving science in the universe, and an understanding of the other sciences as reliant on a deeper understanding of biology. Lanza believes that life and biology are central to being, reality, and the cosmos - consciousness creates the universe rather than the other way around. 

anthropiceither of two principles in cosmology: A. conditions that are observed in the universe must allow the observer to exist - also called weak anthropic principle. B. the universe must have properties that make inevitable the existence of intelligent life - also called strong anthropic principle.

causality/cause-and-effect: noting a relationship between actions or events such that one or more are the result of the other or others.

nonlocality: 1. not of, affecting, or confined to a limited area or part. 2. action-at-a-distance, the concept in physics of interactions outside the locality.

retrocausality: (also called retro-causationretro-chronal causation, backward causation, and similar terms) is any of several hypothetical phenomena or processes that reverse causality, allowing an effect to occur before its cause or the creation of a new cause in the past producing an effect in the present. 

design: 1. to create, fashion, execute, or construct according to plan: devise, contrive. 2. to conceive and plan out in the mind.

alignment: 1. the act of aligning or state of being aligned; (especially) the proper positioning or state of adjustment of parts (as of a mechanical or electronic device) in relation to each other; a set of gears needs alignment2a. arrangement or position in a straight line or in parallel lines. b. the line thus formed. 3. the ground plan (as of a railroad or highway) in distinction from the profile. 4. an arrangement of groups or forces in relation to one another; new alignments within the political party.

entanglement: an entangled system is one whose quantum state cannot be factored as a product of states of its local constituents; that is to say, they are not individual particles but are an inseparable whole - one constituent cannot be fully described without considering the other(s).

duality: two different things that share a description. mathematics
 the property of two theorems, expressions, etc., of being dual to each other. physics the quantum-mechanical property of being regarded as both a wave and a particle.

singularity (physics/mathematics): a point at which a function takes an infinite value, especially in spacetime when matter is infinitely dense, as at the center of a black hole or the BIG Bang-Bit Bang. 

coevolution: (biology) the occurrence when changes in at least two species' genetic compositions reciprocally affect each other’s evolution. There is evidence for coevolution at the level of populations and species. Charles Darwin briefly described the concept of coevolution in On the Origin of Species (1859) and developed it in detail in Fertilization of Orchids' (1862). Each party in a coevolutionary relationship exerts selective pressures on the other, thereby affecting each other's evolution. - http://wikipedia.org/wiki/Coevolution 

GOD-guided (Co)Evolution: theory referring to both the evolution of all animal and plant life, while also referring to the special relationship between GOD and humans. GOD and  the Reincarnating God-incarnate have evolved hand-in-hand with intelligent life here and on other planets.

Cosmic Egga motif found in the creation myths of many cultures and civilizations. Typical-ly, the world egg is a beginning of some sort, and the universe or some primordial being comes into existence by 'hatching' from the egg. - http://wikipedia.org/wiki/World_egg 

founder effect

symmetry breaking: the absence or reduction of manifest symmetry in a situation despite its presence in the laws of Nature underlying it, a process of by which a physical system in a symmetrical state ends up in an asymmetrical state.

true Earthlike planets: worlds where an advanced civilization has evolved/been seeded in their past, present or future. 

'true Earthlike plan-it': a world built64 with the mathematical model of GOD=7_4 or FOD=6_4 having an advanced civilization in its past, present, or future that evolved and/or was seeded. 

senses: a physiological capacity of organisms that provides data for perception.

string theory(physics) a theory in which ultra-subatomic one-dimensional string-like objects have modes of vibration that correspond to elementary particles. Such objects exist in a spacetime that has 6 higher dimensions/hyperspace (superstring theory) or 7D hs (supergravity) in addition to the familiar 3 spatial dimensions (3D) plus time. String theory unifies the 4 forces of Nature and general relativity with quantum theory... 

M-theory: an evolution of string theory and the leading contender for physics' Theory of Everything (TOE)... 
7 dimensions hyperspacecommon 4 dimensions (3D + 1D time) = 11D spacetime

the void: nothing, no space and no time. 

Conglomeratal time: eternity is all of time, an endless past, present and future. Before the BIG Bang-Bit Bang, our parent universe and almost countless other universes existed in The Conglomerate (of Universes). 

Synchronism: On Wed 1.6.21 13:24, I tweaked the "7 Seals"/theories by simply using "biocentric-anthropic universe". It was right then that the Donald Trump 666 coup-attempt at the US Capitol began. 

1.8.21 12:36 I tweaked "13.8 billion years ago" to "13.77 billion years ago" in Seal #1. There are 12 days left to the Trump presidency and the House announced it will move to impeach Trump. 

1.21.21 I added '19 BH photo to Seal #4. It was Joe Biden's 1st full day as president. 

1.23.21 I added "12 Titans" to Seal #3. It would have been Mom's 98th Birthday. 

1.24.21 I added "12 Steps" to Seal #3. Tampa Bay is the first home team to host the Super Bowl in its 55 years. #12 Tom Brady.

1.27.21 I added "74°F is ideal for men & women" after posting on Facebook at 7:04 74°.

1.31.21 I added "LEM (Lunar Excursion Module)" in '64 in FOD=6_4. The next morning (2.1), I awoke to CNN (6:57), "A miracle ending to the Washington Wizards - Brooklyn Nets game last night. The Wizards scored 6 points in 4 seconds to win!"

2.8.21 I tweaked "2 trillion" universes to "400 billion" after new data from NASA's New Horizon's Probe questions the Hubble Telescope predictions.

2.11.21 I added 25 or 6 to 4 to Seal #2.

2.12.21 I tweaked 25 Or 6 To 4 and that miniscule size difference forced me to shorten John 1:1, "In the beginning was The Word, & the Word was with God, & The Word was GOD."
12022021 also read backwards and upside-down in digital display.

2.18.21 I added "Milky Way's 200 billion galaxies" to Seal # 1b. 

2.19.21 I added Gold to Seal #2 while watching The UnXplained with William Shatner, The Power of Gold (S2/Ep12, 2021) on History Channel 

2.23.21 9:12 I added "Theory" to GOD-guided/reincarnating God-incarnate led (Co)Evolution Theory. Tiger Woods got in a bad car crash an hour later. 15:05 I enlarged S=19th in Seal #4.   

5.24.21 7:04 I added "7/19/52" - a reference to the UFOs in Washington DC - to Seal #4.

9.4.21 I tweaked "Faster-Than-Light Thought" in the subtitle. I moved out of Brenda's condo. It's a New World for me. 

9.17.21 Constitution Day and the Anniversary of Antietam

9.27.21 I added "Jupiter" to Seal #1b. This gas giant acts like a BIG brother to Earth with its gravity protecting us from comets and asteroids and this relationship must exist with every 'true Earthlike plan-it'. Synchronism: A paper on The Winds of Jupiter's Great Red Spot exceed 400 mph circulated around the Internet, Jupiter's Great Red Spot is getting faster! Winds around the edge of the storm have increased in speed by 8% since 2009 and now exceed 400mph, NASA reveals (granthshala.com) 400 billion galaxies, 400 b stars in the Mily Way, Sun & mOOn appear to be the same size although Sun is 400x BIGGER, it's 400x further away. Now 400 mph winds on Jupiter. Huh.  

10/5/21 I added 'shuffled' to Seal #1a. I also added "asteroid" in tweaking Seal #1b with "GOD played pool with Theia/proto-Moon and early Earth, asteroid 66 mya" and "dinosaur asteroid". I got this article in response.

10/13/21 I tweaked Seal #1a by replacing "breaking thru spacetime" with "breaking through energy barriers" and William Shatner - Capt. Kirk - broke through the atmosphere into space.

10/14/21 I tweaked Seal #1b (earthquakes) by removing "Neanderthals" and adding "photosynthesis". A 6.4 earthquake struck the Solomon Islands. The Southern Baptist leader resigned and a British lawmaker was killed in a church.  

11/2/21 9:30 I tweaked Seal #4: S=19 (18.6) Theory by adding "Dakota" to it. The Dakota Indian War took place in 1862 and Lincoln famously prevented 238 Indians from being hung although 38 were. I then left my house to make it to the breakfast special before 10 am. Ambulance #19 with its sirens on came in front of me in front of St. James Catholic Church. It stopped a few blocks down on 7th Ave. As I entered Jimmy's Diner, it drove by. I sat in front of a TV and on Ch 7 (9:57), they had a story about a baby seal that was saved in California. 

Atlanta Braves won the World Series by winning their 4th of 6 games 7-0 over the Houston Astros. GOD=7_4 or FOD=6_4 (on Planet Nestor) Theory - Design Worlds Theory and 'Theory of Everything'.

12/1/21 6:40 I tweaked the "book/scroll sealed with 7 seals"/'Beyond Einstein Theories' this morning by adding the historic "'19 Masters" after Tiger Woods' interview yesterday. To squeeze it into Seal #4: S=19 (18.6) Theory, I had to abbreviate "New Zealand volcano" to NZ volano" and finally changed "top" to "#1" to give me one more space for "volcano". I got the synchronism of the Canary Island Volcano erupting! https://www.msn.com/en-us/weather/t...pts/ss-AAODUhm?ocid=msedgdhp&pc=U531#comments 

12/7/21 8:05 I tweaked " propagating through" to "tunneling through". Pearl Harbor Day. I got a contract on the house last night.

1/9/22 On Saturday 1/8/22, I tweaked the "7 Seals"/theories. On Sunday, I attended the Orthodox Cathedral in Miami Lakes and passed out 3 copies of the one page. At Denny's afterward, I learned 19 died in a NYC 19-story fire. It relegated COVID-19 to the #2 news story. I added it to Seal #4: S=19 (18.6) Theory.  

2/28/22 I added "Job(19)" to Seal #4 and had a 'Job experience' with the city and my water. This is The Apocalypse/Revelation for Ukraine and Russia. "Economic collapse" is happening for Russians and is affecting others. A church mass-shooting in Sacramento.
3/1/22 is Fat Tuesday.

5/5/22 8:37 Cinco de Mayo. Eta Aquarid Meteor shower.

6/4/22 10:00 As I tweaked the Seals, a nature program on TV came on about seals. 18:30 ABC World News Tonight began with South Florida is hit by a tropical disturbance. Miami is shown first which received 13" rain. Mariah Carey is being sued for All I Want For Christmas Is You. The news ended with a Miami Beach High School student received acceptance to all eight Ivy League schools including a full-scholarship to Harvard.

6/14/22 The news keeps showing a dog in the gorilla enclosure at the San Diego Zoo, so I added "d4og7" to Seal #2: GOD=GOOD=7_4. After seeing a TV show on the San Diego Zoo Saturday 6/11, I wrote a tune, Flamingo Roundup for marimba, opt. steel drum, bass, and Latin percussion.

6/16/22 Dow Jones closed -741.16 , my bill for brunch at IHOP was $7.49. I wrote Cassiopeia - a jazz waltz for vibraphone, bass, & drums. I wrote alot on http://KiwiFarms.net . Little grey kitty 8-weeks-old died.

6/21/22 I added to Seal #3: "Da (Russian: yes). 'Dada'." And to Seal #4: "19th Nervous Breakdown". A plane from Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic crashed and burned at Miami Intenational Airport, "Miraculously, no one was killed and only some minor injuries." - Mayor of Miami-Dade. Two Roman Catholic priests were shot dead in a Mexican church. St. Catherine Island destroyed by fire caused by lightning. 1,000+ killed & 1,500+ injured in Eastern Afghanistan 6.1 earthquake. Heat wave striking US. Jan. 6 hearings continue further indicting Donald Trump 666. I wrote, Lunch By The Sea.
7/26/22 My birthday. At 9:24 this morning, I added, "Symmetry is the universal order – it’s in the laws-of-Nature, it gives unity to designs." Right then on Ch. 7, they showed a seal attacking a woman swimming too close to the mother seal's pup. It's very rare that a seal makes the news! Swimmer's dangerous encounter with Hawaiian monk seal and pup caught on camera (yahoo.com)

9/10/22 8:12 I was trying to decide whether I should tweak the [i]"7 Seals"[/i]/'Beyond Einstein Theories' by adding 73 to [i]sport[/i](73=S19+P16+O+R18+T20). I decided to do it and see what would happen. I had ABC GMA on and right then they said, "King Charles is 73-years-old." Huh. 

Prince Philip and Queen Elizabeth were married for 73 years.



9/14/22 9:52 I added "Christ" to the subtitle and on CBS Ch 4 right then, Queen Elizabeth's casket entered Westminster Hall and the Archbishop of Canterbury began the funeral service with words from Jesus Christ. 

9/17/22 9:50 I just tweaked Seal #6: Renativity/The Reincarnating God-incarnate: original/#1 program₇₄mer. Creator/Save₄₇ior of all universes & true Earthlike plan-its using 'The Word': GOD=7_4 / FOD=6_4. ET in Guardin’⁷₇₄ (GDN) of Eden⁴₂₈ who cloned himself (DNA₁₉) to create Adam₁₉ and₁₉ Eve(19). Y’shua5,74 bar Yosef (entombed w/ wife Mariamne74 in Jesus⁵ Family Tomb). The 2nd Coming of the Christ: “The Judge47 of the living & the dead…according74 to their actions”.
See http://7seals.blogspot.com - only the returned Christ77 & Albert Einstein reincarnated could produce that. It's triggered The Apocalypse/Revelation which is NOT the 'end of the world'.
9/17 - September 17 is Constitution Day (1787). The Masonic(7,74) Founding Fathers(77) aligned 9/17 with Matthew 9:17. Exactly 75 years later on 9/17/1862 - 74 years after The Constitution was ratified by the States - The Battle of Antietam took place which was the deadliest day in US History.
- Brad Watson(77)

11/7/22 12:29, I made a tweak to the title page of [b]There Are No Coincidences[/b] - the 74-page book that satisfies the prophecy of Rev 5:1 - and got a BIG reaction! I simply added "harp" having 7 pedals and 47 strings and "Lady(4 letters) Liberty(7)" to [color=darkred][b][i]Seal #2[/i]: GOD=GOOD=7_4 or FOD=6_4 (on Planet Nestor)[/b][/color]. I was watching NEWSY (antenna) and right then they posted/said, "MOM WHO IS NURSE PRACTIONER SAYS RSV OUTBREAK IS 'APOCALYPTIC'".

11/16/22 8:05 I came home from Port Canaveral where I read The Big Bang of Numbers and on PBS was Math a NOVA special.

11/18/22 10:15 I was tweaking this site while watching Dennis the Menace on AntTV. "Coincidence...luck"

On Sunday November 27, 2022, after first hearing about 'Survival of the Friendliest' on CBS' 60 Minutes, I did some short Internet research on it. I then combined it with "natural selection/survival of the fittest-friendliest" on Seal #7: Reincarnation Theory - 26 Principles. Later that night, the BIGGEST active volcano in the world - Hawaii's Mauna Loa - erupted.

2/18/23 7:40 After tweaking "Esther", CBS Local News Ch 4 says, "Fog" and CBS Saturday Morning shows Downtown Miami live with fog. Dennis the Menace statue found & Lauderdale-By-The-Sea live cam.

7/20/23 22:07 I tweaked Seal #3 by adding "Blackjack" as I watched Brad Meltzer's Lost History - John Wilkes Booth's Deranger. "The most infamous gun in history." Story Television then cuts to video of Ronald Wilson Reagan in an ad for an upcoming program.

"It's amazing what you can accomplish when no one cares about who gets the credit." Skunkworks. "For every accomplishment, there's always a pioneer." - Pre-Astronauts, History Undercover on Story Television. I graduated from North Miami Senior High '77 Home of the Pioneers